Plungė Smart Park

Plunges parko vartai

Plungė Smart Park

Since 2015 Plungė Municipal Clock Tower library implementing the project Plungė Smart Park. With this project we created the virtual educational – cognitive program and web page, which is also applied for mobile devices and tablets. This program has three virtual tours: fauna, flora and cultural objects.


Welcome to Plungė Smart Park

Visit tour

Extremely travel offer 3 complementary stories about 
the Plungė park Animals, Plants and Cultural objects

Tour categories

We invite you to visit our 3 tours

Plant tour

Romantic walk invites mysterious lime, hornbeam avenue, where you will park, and the king - the Thunder legendary oak.

Animal tour

Animals - seemingly silent and invisible, but certainly numerous park community.

Cultural tour

Plunge manor ensemble is one of the most beautiful estates in Lithuania complexes, often called Samogitia Versailles

