The forest enterprise
At the end of Liberty avenue used to be the forest enterprise.
Later in 1936 a little further, near the edge of Babrungas river was built new Plungė forest enterprise. During the war, German's and Russian's solders were located in the building. In the basement variuos notes were found on walls. Possibly these notes were writen by prisoners. During the Soviet period here used to operate a Party committee. From 1978 the public library was established in the building, but since the library moved to reconstracted Clok Tower in 2012 , only children's department is implementing activities here now.
Žaliasis tiltas jungė dvarą su mesto centru
Žaliasis tiltas buvo medinis
Plungėje gimusio ir dabar Kanadoje gyvenančio prof. Geniaus Procutos šeimos atminimui skirtas koplytstulpis pastatytas Profesoriaus lėšomis