The five trunk ash tree
Once more, we are crossing the ponds and listening to these beautiful sounds coming from waterfalls. We are also back at the central part of the park.
The five trunk ash tree according to the legend was planted by father of five children. Who wishes to have a large family please, try to scour the tree about five times, it's said that it helps.
Actually, the hall square is very intersting and definatelly, this place is one of the most beautiful and magnificent in the park.
Near by, you will be able to hug the huge and old chesnuts.
In the same square you will find impressive oaks, which are ordinary and red oaks.
Red oaks were planted more than a hundered years ago in Europe. Originally these oaks came from North America. The red oak is one of the largest, fastest growing and most important timber trees.
The fruit is a large, broad, rounded acorn with a very shallow disk-like or saucer-shaped cup or cap.
The twigs are small, slender, greenish brown to dark brown. On young branches the bark is smooth and gray to greenish. On the trunk it breaks into long, narrow, shallow ridges flat and smooth on top. The underbark is light red.
Leaves are dark red, fading to brown but may remain on the tree well into the fall.
The five trunk ash tree according to the legend was planted by father of five children. Who wishes to have a large family please, scour the tree about five times, it's said that it helps.